I was working on putting up a portfolio here of some of my works, and a thought occurred to me- “why don’t I just revamp the whole thing as a site for my works?”

That’s exactly what I did.

I worked all through yesterday setting things up on here so there’s more of my photographs available, and now there’s also a portfolio too. I also have a section for other works, which will be on the way soon. This is a good step for me, considering recent achievements I’ve made regarding photography- not only was I a finalist in the Photographer’s Forum Magazine Best of High School and College Photography contest 2017 (and to be featured in the hardcover book), but two of my photograph’s were recently in my university’s student art show.

I suppose the next step is business cards. Ha.

I still have some polishing up to do here, and also more photos to add once I have access to Lightroom again (it’s not on my laptop and I’m currently vacationing in Maryland). In the meantime, enjoy what’s already here.