
Welcome! My name is Shay (I prefer to be called that). I am an artist, or more precise, a photographer.

I grew up in a town called Corinth (East Corinth as the locals call it), about a half hour north of Bangor, also near to Dexter and Dover-Foxcroft, in the central area of Maine. I enjoy the arts, books, music, cats, and traveling.

I first started taking photographs as a kid, and around that time I started to show interest in the arts. Going through middle school and high school, art classes were my favorite class. In high school I was part of the art club for three years, even one year helping out with some play backdrops because we were low on help. For a short time I volunteered to help out an art club in another town during my senior year of high school until track season started (topping of seven straight years of the sport). During my time in high school (Central High School in Corinth) I participated in the spring art show and submitted works; I placed 1st all four years (and also both first and second my junior year). I also took an I.T. class at UTC in Bangor and worked with animation. It was during this time that I participated in Skills USA and placed third in the state for photography.

I graduated 2013 and moved to Gorham, where I would attend the University of Southern Maine. There I am majoring in Studio Arts (concentration in photography), minoring in History, and am planning on enrolling in a certificate program for Holistic Health. I have also briefly worked with a group in the CI2 lab that was developing a video game. Recently, two of my photographic pieces have been featured the Student Show for this year. I still mainly work in photography, but I have experience in other mediums of art.

I’m currently still there working towards a B.F.A, hoping to finish in spring of 2018 and am looking to pursue a M.F.A at MECA in the future. I’m still working with my craft and taking advanced photo classes. I’m still in the Gorham-Portland area, and I couldn’t be happier to be where I am now. I recently had a photo be a part of the finalist group in the Photographer’s Forum Magazine Best of High School and College Photography 2017 and will be featured in the hardcover book coming out later this year.

I’ve made this site here on WordPress to showcase my photographic works and to start to put myself out there. As of right now, this is still a work in progress, so be patient while I polish it up. I hope you enjoy your stay and take a look at what I have to offer. Contact information can be found under “Contact”.